Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Jack Rabbits

(White-tailed, Black-tailed, Snowshoed)

Ayize Gwebu
December 3, 2011

There are three species of jack rabbits in California: white tailed, black tailed, and snowshoed. Another name for the jack rabbit is hare. The white tailed jackrabbit turns white in the winter and can be confused with a regular white tailed rabbit (Fig. 1). The color of the jack rabbit fur is buff like sand (Fig. 2). The only way to tell the black tailed from the white tailed jack rabbit is the underside color of their tails. The underside fur of the white tailed is white and the black tailed is black. The edges of their ears always have black fur, even the jackrabbits that turn white in the winter. The difference between a Jack rabbit and a regular rabbit is they are bigger, skinnier, faster, longer ears, and their leverets are born with fur and open eyes.

Figure 1. White-tailed Jackrabbit in the winter looks like a regular white-tailed rabbit
White-tailed Jackrabbit | Lepus townsendii photo

Size White -tailed jack rabbits and black tailed rabbits are 18 to 25 inches. Snoewshoe jack rabbits are 16-20 inches long.

Physical Abilities
Black tailed jack rabbits can run up to 30-35 miles per hour, the white tailed rabbits go to 34 miles per hour, and the snowshoe hare can run up to 27 miles per hour. The jack rabbit escapes predators by sharp turns and can jump 10-20 feet at once.

Lifestyle and Natural Enemies
The natural enemies of Jack rabbits include coyotes, bobcats, foxes, Horned owls, hawks and snakes. The jackrabbit likes to eat grass in the night time, during the day they crouch to hide. They like to take dust baths, to remove bugs from their fur. Jack rabbits communicate by thumping their hind feet on the ground, but can scream when caught by a predator. Jack rabbits eat their feces so they can get try to get all the nutrients from their food.

They can have six babies, or leverets, at a time. It is so hard to care for all of the leverets. The mother has to guard them so they can stay out of trouble. Jack rabbits have to fear the golden eagle, one of their predators.

The dad leaves so the leverets have to eat more so they can grow. This makes it possible for the leverets to get big like their mother and father. Sometimes in the summer the mother or father sit out in the open and would see the good things and bad things and then help the leverets learn. After seven to eight months the leverets will be old enough to go and get a mate or look at the wild but I think that they will get a mate.

Where do jack rabbits live? They live all around North America; different varieties live in dessert regions or colder mountain regions. They like to live in open space so they can run away and avoid predators. The White-tailed jackrabbit lives throughout west-central Canada and the United States, the Black-tailed rabbit lives throughout the southwestern United States into Mexico, east to Missouri, north into Washington, Idaho, Colorado and Nebraska, and west to California and Baja California. The Snowshoe jack rabbit lives in the mountain ranges throughout Canada and in the northernmost United States.
What do they eat? Jack rabbits eat only veggies and plants. When they run out of green plants, they eat twigs and young bark from trees. Fifteen jackrabbits can eat as much grass as a big cow grazing grass all day.

Life cycle
The mother has five or seven leverets many times a year. The mother is pregnant for 36-43 days. They grow fast and get to adult size in seven to eight months. They live for five or six years in captivity, but die sooner in the wild because of predators and disease.

Figure 2. Black tailed Jack rabbit (above), Snowshoe Jack rabbit (below).

Image of: Lepus americanus (snowshoe hare)

Bachman, J., [Online] Available,
December 3, 2011.
Available, December 3, 2011.
Sharp, J. W. [Online] Available, December
3, 2011.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Yesterday, the kids drafted a simple but amazing mini-constitution concerning use of the play structure during language arts. There is a sort of treehouse area on the play structure, the "big room," which is a coveted spot during independent reading time, and there have been some squabbles over its use. On their own accord, they drafted the following:

Big Room Owner will alternate every day
Big Room Owner gets one guest, switched every 10-15 minutes
If not signed, not allowed to stay



* We had one abstention, and discussion continues.

--Teacher Chris

Saturday, October 29, 2011


The story of my flag. I was at a shop in Spain with my mom and two aunts of mine. The shop was very watery meaning it had a lot of water toys. The shop smelled like rubber and I had seen many ceramic pigs and lizards. But then, I saw the flag, red and yellow stripes, with a Big black bull in the middle. Then I felt it. Soft and warm and it was well---er...very clothy and hand sewn and I was so impressed and I just stared at it for a moment or two but the moment broke when my mom called me and we had to go. But I refused and I was just completely BEGGING for the flag, and I spent about 2 minutes and I FINALLY got my way and then we went to a burger joint called La Hamburguesa Rapida. I had a cheese burger with bacon and eggs and it was SO good, it tasted like a sweet, burnt, bitter, sour hamburger, and after the burger I had an awesome ice-cream called Kinder and it tasted as though it had had a gigantic sugar-ball it and after that I went swimming and I went to a place with rocks and it was a very bumpy, sharp surface and when I got in it was very cold and I was very cold and it felt like I was covered in ice and I would never be uncovered and that the ice was closing in on me and i was going to be found dead with hypothermia BUT that was what I was thinking and it was very fun to go back to our beach house that was covered in mosquitoes and board games like chutes and ladders and when we got back we went back to the house we had ice cream, I think and i had a very cold, yet cozy night with 4 blankets on me like leather on a cow and I had a very nice day the next day and I had 2 eggs on toast for breakfast the next morning. I went swimming again and i had a particularly warm time today because it was 110 degrees. PHEW!! And then we (meaning me my aunt my grandma my grandfather and my mom) went to a restaurant that I forgot the name, and then we went swimming again at a place called callaguliota and we went swimming and I found a rock that skipped so well that I lost it with a 20 foot skip, it was sad, it would have skipped almost (estimated) 100 feet because the 20 foot had no effort put into it. It looked like a bumpy surface with a rigid bump, like a mini cascade. The next day I read, and read and read and read. I was reading the best book on earth. It was Harry Potter! I was on the third or second (I don't remember) book and I was nearly done! I was reading in the last 50 pages! It was night before I finished. The night sky was clear as water with a half moon it was like the grandest thing I ever saw the black, black night when I played Wii I played Wii sports and I pwnd everyone (meaning my sister, Katrin and cousin, Claudia) in tennis and I got 2000 Wii pro points witch when you get 2000 points you become a pro. I was a pro for two months and I pwn everyone. I was very happy at night at bedtime because I was exhausted and I felt like passing out. witch I pretty much did because I was so tired. The next day I went to the beach and the sea was angry, I almost got drowned because I got washed in by a giant wave I was so scared and the wave was almost as big as full house so it looked as I was gonna die but I didn't :I (by the way that was a face). I was so frightened I was felt like fainting and I actually swam again!

The end
sorry about the random ending.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

9 elements

    fire water Stone  linting ice nature gold silver copper .

these are all the elements i could think of. 9 of  the elements.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A conversation between two bearded dragons

I am a girl
I am a boy
I puff my beard so I can get a mate
I puff mine so I can scare away something that wants to eat me
I can eat what I can get
me too
I like to be in a warm place
stop copying me


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Haikus from Basho

From Alex
To Julia

1 long seasonal rain
2 Lightning dragon candles
3 municipal guard

1 the dutch consul too
2 is prostrate before his lordship
3 spring under his reign

1 autumn begins--
2 the ocean too, like the rice fields,
3 in one color of green

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

peregrine news 3

More haikus

I'm a great singer,
I love camping in nature,
I love Superman,
I love The Three Stooges.

Fierce, majestic horse,
thundering hooves smash
the ground--
Why does he gallup?


We wasps are awesome,
Peregrine milk-time at

Lawrence F. Dugan,
he goes for a walk
on dirt.
Maybe he should stop.



the shark comes back to his house. I like my toy car it is awesome it is blue

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


sea clashes with wind

hawk glides down in a smooth dive

bravery is born


rustling the trees

wind swoops low, unhurriedly

and now it brings peace


silver, red, gold, blue, white

colors of the sky melting

wonder burrows in


darkness and owls

I wonder what will happen

I hear, I see deep


dark clouds rolling through

the grass rustles, whispering-

secrets of the earth

Rebecca Wittman <3

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Autumn is... nice weather after summer. Food. Cold. My birthday.
Happy. Leaves falling, leaf piles to jump in. Rain. Apple cider. Madness. Transitions, being inside. Hot chocolate, turkey. Halloween. My old friend Autumn. Hibernation. Layers and layers of blankets, hot tea. My sister when she was a baby, turkey. Cake. Leaf-Fall. Candy. Halloween. Football and Hockey.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Person Narrative

I am sitting cross-legged in my dark room, hands on my knees, rocking back and forth. My door is shut, my old dog is dead. Close to it. In three hours she will be, while I am at my aunt's house. I don't want her to come in, knowing that she will be gone in 180 minutes. I can't stand it that I know and she doesn't. She thinks everything is as it should be. She thinks she'll have tomorrow to do what she wants and I can't stand it anymore, just knowing that I know she won't be here and she doesn't. It's so unfair. She's only been ours for two years. When we were test-walking her, I was so fixed that I walked right into a tree, but I didn't even feel it. I just cry harder and close my hand around her collar. She must be surprised we took it off. I bite my lip and open up my fist and smell her collar. The world spins around me. Suddenly my face fills with a musty smell, like the collar hasn't been used in a long time, even though it is just her smell.

To me, she is already gone.

I close my fist again and throw her collar against the wall, where it bounces and then lands with an unsatisfying thud in the carpet, a sound that makes my teeth itch and curls my lips against them in a sick smile.

I press my hands against the cold, barren walls, smooth and lifeless. All I can feel around me is warmth and darkness and the faint, salty smell of too many tears. The only light I can see is coming from the slant of gold under my door, and there I can see two russet paws. Then a dry nose and a mouth filled with pink, slobber-covered cancer pushes its way in. Most would find that lump of visible cancer disgusting, but I don't care. She's mine. For now.

Rosie whines and lays down beside me, panting slightly. I rub my fingers through her fur until they have an oily feel. These last words are so common one could almost consider them cliche in an odd, twisted way, but there is nothing else important enough to say. I glance up at the clock. One hundred-and- seventy-two minutes. I bend over into her silky ear and for a second there is sile
nce, and all I can feel is sadness and anger and the hairs on her head brushing my cheek, my lips. The smell of her fur spirals up into my nose and I breathe deep, knowing this will be the last time.

One-hundred-and-seventy-seven minutes. A ticklish feeling in my stomach erupts suddenly and bolts up to my head. I feel sick. I am so numb that I almost can't manage to spill the words before they turn to ash. I wind my fingers through her fur.

"I love you."

-Rebecca Wittman

"Hula Hoops & Dominoes"

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

cut finger

I was so happy, my mom still had her finger!! It all happened when she was in culinary school. She was cutting a frozen chicken and she got a HUGE cut and she didn't notice until she saw the blood go through the ice. She went to the emergency room and when she got back she had her finger all in bandages and she was O.K.

The end


A photo from our field site

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Measuring area, Peregrine style

Free Write: make-believe zoo keeper

I was asked to work as zoo keeper for The Exepermental Breeding Co. as this was not a regular zoo, it was an unusal job. The first animal I met was the Hard-chicken, which laid hard broiled eggs due to the tempitnure in the yolk. My favorite one was a Sugar-Mouse which because of it's unusal sugar creation is very fast.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Peregrine Rights

Peregrine Bill Of Rights

  1. Students have the right to participate.
  2. Students have the right to be included.
  3. Students and teachers have the right to use the quiet area.
  4. Students have the right to be treated fairly.
  5. All students have the right to be given attention by teachers.

Peregrine's Good Advice

Peregrine's Good Advice for Teachers and Students

  1. Be aware of your surroundings; is it time to laugh or time to learn?
  2. Have a positive attitude and be open to new ideas.
  3. Ask teachers for help if there is a conflict.
  4. Be prepared to make new friends, absorb new information, and to approach the day with enthusiasm.
  5. No excuses for not following instructions.

Peregrine Responsibilities

Peregrine Responsibilities

  1. Play with games and equipment as if they were your favorite treasured toy.

  2. Don't climb on top of the the jungle gym.

  3. No mocking or making fun of your classmates.

  4. Students will listen to the teachers.

  5. Students will respect the house as our temporary classroom.

  6. Treat others how you want to be treated.

  7. Students will follow directions.

  8. Students will act nonviolently.

  9. Students will include others.

  10. Students will respect other's personal space.

  11. No excuses for not complying with the above.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The rough cut of our rights, responsibilities, and good advice

On the second day of school, the Peregrinos broke into "focus groups" in order to come up with some rights and responsibilities to govern themselves by. Here's what they came up with:

Then, the older group categorized and transcribed the list for us. The list was then printed and signed by the teachers and students and posted to this blog!